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Advertising Strategy and Creative Network

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Perhaps you're thirsty for ideas on...

how to increase your sales?

improving your market share 5% more than it presently is in about 7 years...

promoting/marketing a breakthrough product without being a 100% sure who it's best suited for...

a project, pitch, campaign, creative brief, research brief, want feedback from people about an idea or just want to invite people to brainstorm about something...

No matter how you feel you're in for a treat! The Advertising Strategy & Creative Network (ASCN) is designed to radically alter your excitement level - positively ofcourse!

Here, the intrepid explorers of the ASCN will take you on a voyage exploring strange new worlds, seeking out new beliefs and ideas and just sometimes, if you're lucky; enabling you to witness the big bang (the big idea)- the genesis of a paradigm shift in existing normalcy - a disruption, if you will, in the idea - time continuum.

Excited? I know we are!

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You are on the brink of accessing all of this and soooo much more..


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